Personal Thoughts
Admiting when you’re at fault…
Sometimes, its the simple things that are the hardest… Being wrong ranks up there at the top. I’m not perfect. I’m human, was born that way and can’t really help it. I try to do the best I can, particularly when people expect alot of me. I try not to let people down whenever possible, […]
State of Mind…
I don’t think I’ve been doing all that well lately, though you’d probably not be able to tell by looking at me. I seem pretty normal on the outside, just a little more detached than normal..
This isn’t particularly good…
Well, today I can’t think straight, and if I try to force it I just get tired and wanna go back to sleep. This isn’t particularly good. Current Mood: Restless and Confused Music: Shinedown – All I Ever Wanted
There’s no hiding…
Whether we like it or not, life tends to jump up and bite us on the ass, usually repeatedly. We get reminded of things we’d rather not, or pushed into doing things we think are bad at the time, things that are hard and we don’t want to deal with. Though, usually these things are […]
What to do?
What do you do when you realize for the first time in along time, you don’t have anything at all you want to do, and nothing you have to do? Sitting and staring into space doesnt’ seem like a good option. Oh yeah, Happy Holidays . 🙂
“You go to war with the army you have”
“As you know, you have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want,” Rumsfeld said. He added, “You can have all the armor in the world on a tank, and it can [still] be blown up.” Troops Grill Rumsfeld over Iraq / Troops put thorny questions to Rumsfeld So. […]
Dealing with unwelcome parts of self…
We all have those personality traits we’d rather not have. For some of us, they’re more major than others, perhaps its because that person has more than just a couple, maybe it’s more like 15-20, which is basically, a whole part of themself that they’d rather just go away. Somethings like that, are too much […]
Sound familar…
“Of course the people don’t want war …but, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship … voice or no voice, the […]
Ok, so we re-elected an asshole…
It’s amazing how little fear you have to spread in order to snow 51% of this country into thinking that George W. Bush is worth re-electing. Bush/Cheney 2004 — Discrimintory Politices to make you *feel* safe. “A false sense of security is worse than being insecure.” Stolen from the #bs topic: “On behalf of 49% […]