
January 19, 2009: Apache, mod_ssl, and SNI on Windows

July 20, 2008: Apache and MySQL Authentication

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What do you want to see in Mozbot 2.8?

By on February 24, 2009 in Mozilla

Its been a long time since there was a Mozbot release, the last release was, in fact, Mozbot 2.4 on April 1st, 2002.. Mozbot 2.6, the next release, has been in development ever since (As Mozbot 2.5, since Mozbot releases are even minor-numbered only.).

Nowadays for all practical purposes, running Mozbot 2.4 is pretty close to impossible (or at the least, really buggy.) and pretty much everybody i’ve tried to help with a Mozbot 2.4 problem the solution has been to upgrade to CVS head. So its really time to release Mozbot 2.6 (which, according to the roadmap, there’s no blocking bugs remaining for Mozbot 2.6, meaning, aside from needing to make sure none of the recent changes have caused any major regressions, its already done, and really, has been for awhile. with time being the major factor keeping it from being actually released. That said, I’m supposed to have such time and know how to release being its maintainer now and all, so. 🙂 )

All that being said. I’m interested in feedback for what changes, features, etc should make up the next version of Mozbot [2.8]? 

My own personal items on this list would probably start with…

  • Atom support in feeds (Currently it only supports RSS)
  • Use LWP instead of forking for wget() to fetch content from the web for modules

What are your pet bugs that make mozbot not useful to you? What would be good to have?

Feedback is most definitely welcome.

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